The polarity between the sensational and the mundane is also the dichotomy between the sensational and the sensory in which the latter is left unmarked, unvoiced and unattended to, as a banal element of the everyday.

-Nadia Seremetakis

Sunday, April 12

what makes a woman, a self?

i acknowledge that a person is the sum of all her attributes, her beliefs, her causes, her ideas. but i also strongly believe that in essence, we are all humans and in being human, we are all equal. or at least, should be. regardless. this is especially so in relation to who we help. who we include and exclude from our circle reflects greatly on who we are as a person. as an individual, i am not only a woman, but also a Muslim, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a postgraduate, a photographer, inclined towards activism, human. if the argument pertains to the question of the 'secular', all, except for one of the above-mentioned identities is secular in nature. if it pertains to that of gender, only three of them are gendered identities. and yet, we constantly embed gendered stereotypes onto those other traits. woman. feminized. bodily. roles within private and public spheres. perspectives. decisions. Muslim women are repressed. Mothers are mothers, not full-time professionals. Women are weak. an age old discourse that has been debated over and over again. a new discourse should be encouraged with regards to women & society, women in society. one that reflects a humanistic perspective. one that includes, not demarcating boundaries. one that enables us to dispel judgment and stereotypes. all sisters. all humans.

Woman to Woman from nuruL H. on Vimeo.


  1. maybe you can read my thesis
    haha kidding kidding

    OKAY so not funny, i know! sigh stressssssss

  2. i've always felt that my inner-inner non-observed self is ungendered .... but then, it being un-observed, i can't adduce any public proof of course! :-)

  3. the ungendered. just human, perhaps? :)
    and indeed. the unobserved requires no mask

  4. i really like this video, lots of interesting beautiful thoughts.
    ungendered human, unobserved yes. maybe we are all kind of unobserved in our actual humanity because of those those observe us whoeever that is...people society, prejudices...are we ever unobserved, even by ourselves? what do we hide from ourselves... then again, masks can also protect but why should there be a need for protection....
    ungendered i always thought are these basic things like pain, hunger or thirst and really shortly thereafter gender kicks in and makes everything so complicated....
