The polarity between the sensational and the mundane is also the dichotomy between the sensational and the sensory in which the latter is left unmarked, unvoiced and unattended to, as a banal element of the everyday.

-Nadia Seremetakis

Wednesday, May 27

o gracious body. o gracious being

the form, the bodies, of old people are beautiful. the curves in their backs, an act of humility towards the land. earth. edged nearer to it. face to face. conversations. waiting. getting ready to return to it. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. wrinkled skin. sunk into bones. revealing the human form. we are but skin and bones, when all else is eaten away, wasted away, worked away. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. their slow steps. the return to a beginning, when all will end. to remember the discovery of all things, anew. a re-discovery. letting birds in flight enthrall. letting light sit upon the skin, longer. letting it bless. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. hair of white. pristine. all the colors spent, living, breathing, creating, doing. like fuel, burnt up into ashes of white, worn like a crown. of kings and queens, scattered across our lands, etched free from their rule. becoming bards with tales of the world, if we but ask. 

o gracious body. o gracious being. 

Monday, May 25


photo by seuty

when someone said 'no'
when there was no reply
when someone said 'it's over'
when they shut the door
when doubt became flesh 
when she insisted she was shy
when he insisted he didn't care
when she fell asleep
when he woke up
when they said 'stop'
when the first tear was shed
when there were no tears
when the silence wasn't broken

Sunday, May 24


one saturday afternoon

the girls love the batcave 

Thursday, May 21


a tad bit overdue but no revolution is ever 'expired'. it has to be constantly documented, and redocumented. remembered, and re-remembered. so here it is. 

for more, visit AWARE

grandmothers, being ill, & time

the combination of having ill grandmothers and having little time to spend with them, is both a painful and guilty feeling. how necessary it then becomes, to know their stories from before they became grandmothers. 

my nenek (in Bahasa Melayu, paternal grandmother)

Joharah Bee
my nani (in Bengoli, maternal grandmother)

Wednesday, May 20

note to the twitching eye

dear twitching eye,

why do you twitch? is it because you're feeling neglected? but do i not see with you every day, in every moment? how is that neglect? or perhaps i'm over-using you? do you need me to rest and close my eyes more? but i can't! because i am awake for most of the day, doing work and living my life. i think it would be very unfair of you to ask of me to sleep my life away, wouldn't it? what? use an eye patch? and look like a pirate? i don't think i can do that, especially when most people already think of me as a freak, talking to myself within the public sphere. you do understand, right? oh! it's the laptop screen? i see! is that what's making you twitch a lot? you're sensitive to the screen? hmm. that is something i really can't avoid, as most of what i do revolves around having me sit in front of the laptop, staring straight into it as that's where all the information, data, and text are located within. and these are information that i cannot do without, as you know, the 'thesis' needs to be done. or wait? is it the 'thesis' that you're 'allergic' too? well, i'm not surprised. i'm rather allergic to it myself. but it's finishing, soon. i promise you. and i've noticed that being on campus makes you twitch as well, especially when the trip is made in relation to the 'thesis'. the museum was nice, wasn't it? and so were the picnics and the lunches with friends. but the 'thesis', bahh!! so, ok. we've identified the source of your twitching. it's the 'thesis'. oh, oh, ok. i'll stop using the word itself. we'll call it the 'T'. i will endure your twitching for a while more as i finish the 'T' and promise to take 5, oh, ok, 10 minute eye breaks from time to time. we'll stare into other people's houses or look for goblins in the clouds, something far away from the laptop. i promise.

much love,

Tuesday, May 19

Cove Red EP Launch

Cove Red

here's a shout-out for my girls of Cove Red. they're having an unofficial EP Launch this month. 

24th & 31st May 09
Earshot Cafe @ The Arts House, Singapore, 1 Old Parliament Lane 
5.30 - 7.30 pm

their sound
their blog

i'd also like to thank them for giving me the opportunity to photography and design their EP. it was loads of fun and it's something i enjoy doing. am looking forward to the awakening of their many dreams. 

Site, Situation, Spectator opening

i meant to write something about this a while back, but procrastination always wins me over. it went well. the audience were intrigued by the exhibits and for a student project, it was well executed and presented. for me, however, the experience and thrill was derived more through the conceptual and curatorial process of it all, as it's something that i'm interested in. i'm never good with openings but i think i managed it well. was asked to give an impromptu closing mini-speech, and as usual, i spoke too fast, as i always do when i know what i'm talking about. taking pauses to breathe seems unnecessary during these moments. nonetheless, it went well. am happy about it, and am looking forward to creating and curating my own projects soon. 

first up, The Classroom. 

Saturday, May 16

a journey

she reaches for...

the beautifully imperfect...

thinking thoughts, bundled in boxes...

that lead her into blinding light...

only to withdraw into shadow.

Thursday, May 14

Sunday, May 10

entity exchange

i started off this project with the aim of instilling words into this realm of the urban unvoiced. to instill narratives that we engage in our everyday - be it the banal or the sensational - posted onto symbolic (or not) white papers that are anthropomorphized to 'become' that said narrative- a very much 'alive' entity. i went about pasting/releasing/voicing them into the public sphere, open to the contact of entities who will recognize the words as part of their medium of sense-making. how they relate to it, however, is left purely ambiguous. to each his own. *this is an ongoing project. more releases can be found here*

The Ambiguous ‘Alternative’: a Method to Narrative Others

i am one of the curators for this exhibition. opening 15 may 09 @ the NUS Museum, Singapore. below is an excerpt of my curatorial. 

Conventionally, our idea of the ‘alternative’ is one that is thought of as held in juxtaposition to an ‘other’, as a subversion, or as a dichotomy to the official, the formal, the State-owned. This is however, no longer a viable approach, as narratives do not exist as a duality. It is no longer one or the other, but one or the many others. Experiences of a singular event, entity, or moment in history can be multiplied manifold, sparking the existence of a multifarious range of stories, narratives. Water, for example, is no longer seen as merely an essential for living (drinking, agriculture), or as nature (in relation to man), but it was also once thought of as symbolic of conquest, discovery and freedom (travel, Colonization), and in more contemporary times, disaster and death (tsunami). To merely engage in the process of subverting ‘official’ narratives would deem the content produced inadequate in representing the diverse narratives that exist. Instead, we are forced to engage in a more nuanced approach to the ‘alternative’. 

Saturday, May 9

the ambiguous alternative

"Ambiguity may be the clue: there is the material, and there I am intruding my private intent. I know the imminence of the world and experience with full sensuality; at the same time I am involved with the projection of myself as idea. Strong tensions are inevitable, pleasurable and disturbing. Is not the aesthetic optimum order with the tensions continuing?”


                      - Aaron Siskind

Friday, May 8

and just because tears come easily

i wonder. if you grow 5-10 years within a year itself, does this mean that as you actually grow (chronologically & physically) older, you won't grow (metaphorically) anymore. or perhaps, the growth process decelerates. learning lesser things. merely a stoic squirm amidst the world of the happening. i've seen that. i've lived through it. that, is life. degrees of inaffection. stagnance. you can die now. you've seen, done it all. 

or perhaps, our inner growth far surpasses the 'life expectancy' number limit that chains our bodies to 'mortality'. perhaps, our inner selves encompass a more accentuated concept of the immortal. a 26 year-old with a 70 year-old soul. a 70 year-old with a 218 year-old soul. she dies, but fragments of her self survives. the photos she's taken. the cameras now in the hands of great-great grandchildren. stolen moments with the people she loved. pieces of words embedded into cracked walls. fibres of world she existed within. even as her body perishes under the laws of mortality, she continues to grow. a growth that is not dependent merely on the memories of the people she knew (because people are never really enough), but within the entities - even the intangible - that she had created, touched, breathed, owned, discarded. because, in a way, nothing is ever really gone. nobody is ever really lost. 
it merely transforms. pocketed, from one form to another.

bodies, into earth. persons, into memories. memories, into objects. objects, into other objects. living amidst one and all. 

and for those gone from our touch, may they linger in our thoughts. and just because tears come easily, it doesn't mean it brought sadness along as a partner. 

Friday, May 1

may messages

so here comes the month of may. i peak whenever it comes to this month of madness, mayhem, merriness, melancholy, moods, muffins, myopia(?). well partly coz it's my birthmonth but also because may is magic!