The polarity between the sensational and the mundane is also the dichotomy between the sensational and the sensory in which the latter is left unmarked, unvoiced and unattended to, as a banal element of the everyday.

-Nadia Seremetakis

Monday, February 15


sometimes it's nice to see things the other way round. talking to the back of someone's head instead of their face - you get to avoid unnecessary changing facial expressions. brushing your teeth - still with a toothbrush - but with a different hand, so as to enjoy the awkwardness of the experience. i remember reading somewhere that doing things differently, even simple things like the using a different hand to brush your teeth, or closing your eyes when in the shower, helps prevent memory loss in old age. that is certainly a good thing now, isn't it. 

inversions. to be inverted. or to invert. inside-out. flip. flops. just don't drop.

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