The polarity between the sensational and the mundane is also the dichotomy between the sensational and the sensory in which the latter is left unmarked, unvoiced and unattended to, as a banal element of the everyday.

-Nadia Seremetakis

Wednesday, May 27

o gracious body. o gracious being

the form, the bodies, of old people are beautiful. the curves in their backs, an act of humility towards the land. earth. edged nearer to it. face to face. conversations. waiting. getting ready to return to it. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. wrinkled skin. sunk into bones. revealing the human form. we are but skin and bones, when all else is eaten away, wasted away, worked away. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. their slow steps. the return to a beginning, when all will end. to remember the discovery of all things, anew. a re-discovery. letting birds in flight enthrall. letting light sit upon the skin, longer. letting it bless. ashes to ashes. dust to dust. hair of white. pristine. all the colors spent, living, breathing, creating, doing. like fuel, burnt up into ashes of white, worn like a crown. of kings and queens, scattered across our lands, etched free from their rule. becoming bards with tales of the world, if we but ask. 

o gracious body. o gracious being. 

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