The polarity between the sensational and the mundane is also the dichotomy between the sensational and the sensory in which the latter is left unmarked, unvoiced and unattended to, as a banal element of the everyday.

-Nadia Seremetakis

Friday, January 1


happy new year! i don't think anyone reads this space, but it doesn't matter. happy new year, nonetheless!

photo projects coming up. will be working on my Visual Taboo series, along with The Classroom photo series. and will be helping a friend shoot for her NGO in Malaysia. so loads to do.
at the same time, THE THESIS is over! finally. dragged my legless being across the line.

going to get a job. play the 'adult'. plan trip to India!
and find a new way to sign my name with the '10' at the back.

Happy New Year all!

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